+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today
+++ Unlock the value in your audience today


Introducing Flowstate Academy: Our Coaching and Mentoring Program
Flowstate Academy hands you the power to shine with email. Through our email marketing training and coaching, we help you stand out, connect deeply with your audience at every stage of the lifecycle journey, and make quantum leaps in retention, growth and revenue.
Exploring the Potential of In-Email Conversion: Is It the Next Big Thing in Email Marketing?
In the ever-transforming domain of digital marketing strategies, the quest for more effective strategies is relentless. Email marketing, despite being one of the oldest forms of digital communication, continues to adapt and innovate. One such innovation stirring up excitement in the marketing world is the concept of in-email conversion.
The Definitive Guide to the Importance of Email Strategy: Boosting Business Success
With the ever-increasing competition and noisy marketing channels, it's essential to have a well-defined email strategy to stand out from the crowd and boost your business success.
Navigating Success through Retargeting Mastery and The Essential Email Flows
In the fast-paced realm of e-commerce, your website traffic is more than just clicks and visits; it's a powerhouse of potential waiting to be unleashed. Remarkably, 95.6% of brands are leaving money on the table by neglecting the power of essential email flows.
 Boost Your Revenue: Discover the Impact of Pre-Send Email Success Check
In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, where attention-grabbing subject lines and visually appealing templates often take the spotlight, there's a crucial yet often overlooked aspect that can make or break your email campaigns - Pre-Send Email Success Check
Important Update: Google + Yahoo Sender Requirements For Klaviyo
As we step into 2024, it's crucial for businesses using Klaviyo to be aware of the latest sender requirements set by major email providers like Google and Yahoo.
Understanding Klaviyo CDP: Transforming Brands with Powerful Customer Data
In today's ever-evolving eCommerce landscape, building and nurturing meaningful relationships with your community is crucial for driving engagement and sales. One powerful tool that can help you accomplish this is Klaviyo CDP (Customer Data Platform).
Why Email Continues to Outperform All Other Marketing Channels
In the age of social media and emerging digital marketing strategies, many eCommerce businesses tend to overlook the power and effectiveness of email marketing. However, email continues to outperform all other marketing channels in terms of generating deeper and more meaningful relationships with your community, increasing engagement, and driving sales
Why email template design is more than just images
As an eCommerce store owner, you understand the power of email marketing in building meaningful relationships with your community. It's not just about sending out a generic email; it's about creating a seamless and engaging experience for your customers.
Klaviyo at the heart of RMIT & Flowstate's Marketing Collaboration
InstantEmail is a revolutionary service by Flowstate that bridges the gap between your design and email marketing platform. With just one click, it instantly sends approved template designs from Figma directly to your email platform, without any need for building or coding. It's the missing link in your creative workflow.
Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Email Strategy for Black Friday Cyber Monday
Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective channels for driving sales and building relationships with your audience. According to recent studies, email marketing generates an average ROI of $42 for every $1 spent. When it comes to BFCM, strategically planned email campaigns can significantly boost your revenue and customer engagement.
How Email Can Help You Win on Black Friday
Black Friday presents a significant opportunity for eCommerce stores to drive sales and solidify their position in the market. By leveraging the power of email marketing, you can build deeper relationships with your community, drive engagement through compelling emails, and boost sales with irresistible offers.
Why Black Friday Should Start in August
Launching your Black Friday campaign in August allows you to take proactive measures to ensure smooth inventory management and efficient supply chain processes. By analyzing customer demand and purchase trends during the pre-Black Friday period, you can accurately forecast inventory requirements and avoid potential stockouts.
Finding Your Email Cadence: Unlocking Its Importance for a Successful Email Strategy
Email cadence refers to the frequency and timing of your email campaigns. It includes the number of emails sent within a specific time frame and the intervals between each email.
The Importance of Send Times for Successful Email Marketing
Paying attention to the timing of your sends is a simple yet highly effective way to boost engagement, increase open rates, and ultimately drive more sales
Why Growing Your Audience (& Email List) is Crucial for Success
Growing your audience and email list is an absolute necessity for the success and growth of any eCommerce business.
Unlocking Success: How Flow Automations Drive Business Scalability
Flow automations empower your business to drive engagement, increase loyalty, reclaim abandoned carts, and ultimately, scale your operations.
Flowstate Revolutionises Email Marketing for eCommerce Businesses with State of Flow
Flowstate, a leading email marketing business for eCommerce, is proud to announce the launch of "State of Flow," a transformative solution designed to empower eCommerce businesses to excel in the world of email marketing.
Introducing InstantEmail: Email At The Speed of Light
InstantEmail is a revolutionary service by Flowstate that bridges the gap between your design and email marketing platform. With just one click, it instantly sends approved template designs from Figma directly to your email platform, without any need for building or coding. It's the missing link in your creative workflow.
Why Email Template Design Outshines Images: Unveiling Its Underrated Power
In this article, we will unravel the underrated power of email template design and why it outshines images in driving email marketing success.
Unlock the Power of Email Marketing with a Dedicated Email Team
In this article, we will explore the reasons why a dedicated email team is essential for eCommerce stores looking to create deeper and more meaningful connections with their community, enhance engagement, and drive sales.
Enhance Your Email Strategy: The Significance of Email Testing
Email testing plays a fundamental role in ensuring flawless communication with your community, boosting engagement, and ultimately driving sales.
Pre-sending Email Testing: Ensuring Flawless Delivery
Email testing is an integral part of the pre-sending process that ensures flawless delivery and maximises the impact of your email campaigns.
The Ultimate Guide to Smart Segmentation in 2023: Unleash Your Email Marketing Potential
In this ultimate guide to smart segmentation, we'll delve into the benefits of segmentation and provide actionable tips on how to implement it effectively in 2023.
The Power of a Centralised Email Marketing List: Unlocking the Potential of Segmentation
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, managing multiple email lists can quickly become a chaotic juggling act. The constant struggle of updating, segmenting, and engaging with subscribers across multiple lists can leave marketers feeling overwhelmed and prone to missing out on crucial opportunities.
A journey map is a visual overview (a literal map) that helps you plot out every touchpoint of the user journey in detail. The result will give you better insight into your customers’ behavior's helping you set up email flows to optimise the user experience.
The key to any successful email marketing strategy is in the numbers. How are you performing now, and how do you want to perform in the future? To really move the needle on performance, you need to drill down into your top metrics so you can set achievable targets for your brand.
With your key metrics established, you’re now ready to begin planning your content. So many brands get stuck producing their content reactively which makes it tough to produce thoughtful content.
Do you break out into a sweat every time you have to hit send on an email being sent out to your database? The cost of sending an email without having test it first can be high…
Countdown timers in email Email marketing is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools. Using a countdown timer within your emails can help amplify your marketing campaign engagement rates.
Have you ever received an email that felt like it was written just for you? You can create this experience for your customers by using email templates.
With most people around the planet using email, you can’t afford to not have an email marketing strategy, and your strategy should be informed by top trends. When it comes to the email marketing trends of 2022, as email experts, we’ve got our finger on the pulse. Flowstate is a dedicated agency with the skills to deliver messages designed to convert through our email marketing services.
Many marketing and communications professionals find difficulty when it comes to email communication. Too many emails and customers switch off, lose interest or unsubscribe; too few emails and customers cease to engage with your product or service. There is, however, a sweet spot, which digital marketers are coming to discover: transactional emails.
There’s no question; B2B email marketing is your best bet for productive communication with other businesses. The challenge, however, is crafting engaging copy with a flair that feels personal to the reader while being concise and benefit-driven.
It’s no secret that email is one of the most effective channels for lead nurturing and conversion. Email wins when it comes to making sure that the right people see the right content at the right moment, and automated emails deserve a central spot in every marketing strategy. In this blog post, we explore eCommerce email marketing and reveal the best email automations for your business.